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Version: 0.8.1

Send logs using Fluentbit

Fluent Bit is an open-source logging and metrics processor and forwarder to multiple destinations.

In this guide, we will show you how to connect it to Quickwit.


Create a simple index for Fluentbit logs

Let's create a schemaless index with only one field timestamp. The mode dynamic indicates that Quickwit will index all fields even if they are not defined in the doc mapping.

version: 0.7

index_id: fluentbit-logs

mode: dynamic
- name: timestamp
type: datetime
- unix_timestamp
output_format: unix_timestamp_secs
fast: true
timestamp_field: timestamp

commit_timeout_secs: 10
curl -o fluentbit-logs.yaml

And then create the index with cURL or the CLI:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:7280/api/v1/indexes -H "content-type: application/yaml" --data-binary @fluentbit-logs.yaml

Setup Fluentbit

Fluentbit configuration file is made of inputs and outputs. For this tutorial, we will use a dummy configuration:

Name dummy
Tag dummy.log

Name http
Match *
URI /api/v1/fluentbit-logs/ingest
Host localhost
Port 7280
tls Off
Format json_lines
Json_date_key timestamp
Json_date_format epoch

Fluentbit will send dummy logs to Quickwit endpoint /api/v1/fluentbit-logs/ingest.

Let's start Fluentbit.

fluent-bit -c fluent-bit.conf

Search logs

Quickwit is now ingesting logs coming from Fluentbit and you can search them either with cURL or by using the UI:

  • curl ""
  • Open your browser at

Further improvements

You will soon be able to do aggregations on dynamic fields (planned for 0.7).