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Traces with Jaeger

In this quick start guide, we will set up a Quickwit instance and analyze its own traces with Jaeger using Docker Compose.

You only need a minute to get Jaeger working with Quickwit storage backend.

Start Quickwit and Jaeger

Let's use docker compose with the following configuration:

version: "3"

image: quickwit/quickwit:${QW_VERSION:-0.8.1}
- ./qwdata:/quickwit/qwdata
- 7280:7280
- OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:7281
command: ["run"]

image: jaegertracing/jaeger-query:1.60
- 16686:16686
- GRPC_STORAGE_SERVER=quickwit:7281

As you can see in the docker compose file, Quickwit is configured to send its own traces OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT to itself http://localhost:7281. On the other side, Jaeger is configured to use a gRPC storage server quickwit:7281.

Save and run the recipe:

$ docker compose up

You should be able to access Quickwit's UI on http://localhost:7280/ and Jager's UI on http://localhost:16686/.

Searching and view traces in Jaeger

Quickwit generates many traces, let's take a look at some of them:

  • find_traces: generated by the "Find traces" Jaeger button.
  • get_operations: generated by Jaeger when it is fetching the list of operations.
  • get_services: generated by Jaeger when it is fetching the list of services.
  • ingest-spans: generated when Quickwit receives spans on the gRPC OTLP API.
  • ...

Here are the screenshots of the search and trace view:

Jaeger search view Jaeger trace view

Searching traces with Quickwit UI

You can also use the Quickwit UI at http://localhost:7280 to search traces.

Here are a couple of query examples:

  • service_name:quickwit AND events.event_attributes.level:INFO
  • span_duration_millis:>100
  • resource_attributes.service.version:v0.8.1
  • service_name:quickwit

That's it! You can level up with the following tutorials to discover all Quickwit features.

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