Elasticsearch compatible API
In order to facilitate migrations and integrations with existing tools, Quickwit offers an Elasticsearch/Opensearch compatible API. This API is incomplete. This page lists the available features and endpoints.
Supported endpoints
All the API endpoints start with the api/v1/_elastic/
Batch ingestion endpoint
POST api/v1/_elastic/_bulk
POST api/v1/_elastic/<index>/_bulk
The _bulk ingestion API makes it possible to index a batch of documents, possibly targetting several indices in the same request.
Request Body example
{ "create" : { "_index" : "wikipedia", "_id" : "1" } }
{ "create" : { "_index" : "wikipedia", "_id" : "2" } }
{ "create" : { "_index" : "wikipedia", "_id" : "3" } }
Ingest a batch of documents to make them searchable using the Elasticsearch bulk API. This endpoint provides compatibility with tools or systems that already send data to Elasticsearch for indexing. Currently, only the create
action of the bulk API is supported, all other actions such as delete
or update
are ignored.
If an index is specified via the url path, it will act as a default value
for the _index
The refresh
parameter is supported.
The quickwit API will not report errors, you need to check the server logs.
In Elasticsearch, the create
action has a specific behavior when the ingested documents contain an identifier (the _id
field). It only inserts such a document if it was not inserted before. This is extremely handy to achieve At-Most-Once indexing.
Quickwit does not have any notion of document id and does not support this feature.
The payload size is limited to 10MB as this endpoint is intended to receive documents in batch.
Query parameter
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
refresh | String | The commit behavior: blank string, true , wait_for or false | false |
The response is a JSON object, and the content type is application/json; charset=UTF-8.
Field | Description | Type |
num_docs_for_processing | Total number of documents ingested for processing. The documents may not have been processed. The API will not return indexing errors, check the server logs for errors. | number |
Index search endpoint
POST api/v1/_elastic/<index_id>/_search
GET api/v1/_elastic/<index_id>/_search
Request Body example
"size": 10,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "bitpacking"
"term": {
"actor.login": {
"value": "fulmicoton"
"sort": [
"actor.id": {
"order": null
"aggs": {
"event_types": {
"terms": {
"field": "type",
"size": 5
Search into a specific index using the Elasticsearch search API.
Some of the parameter can be passed as query string parameter, and some via JSON payload. If a parameter appears both as a query string parameter and in the JSON payload, the query string parameter value will take priority.
Supported Query string parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
default_operator | AND or OR | The default operator used to combine search terms. It should be AND or OR . | OR |
from | Integer | The rank of the first hit to return. This is useful for pagination. | 0 |
q | String | The search query. | (Optional) |
size | Integer | Number of hits to return. | 10 |
sort | String | Describes how documents should be ranked. See Sort order | (Optional) |
scroll | Duration | Creates a scroll context for "time to live". See Scroll. | (Optional) |
Supported Request Body parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
default_operator | "AND" or "OR" | The default operator used to combine search terms. It should be AND or OR . | OR |
from | Integer | The rank of the first hit to return. This is useful for pagination. | 0 |
query | Json object | Describe the search query. See Query DSL | (Optional) |
size | Integer | Number of hits to return. | 10 |
sort | JsonObject[] | Describes how documents should be ranked. See Sort order | [] |
search_after | Any[] | Ignore documents with a SortingValue preceding or equal to the parameter | (Optional) |
aggs | Json object | Aggregation definition. See Aggregations. | {} |
Sort order
You can define up to two criteria on which to apply sort. The second criterion will only be used in presence of a tie for the first criterion.
A given criterion can either be
- the name of a fast field (explicitly defined in the schema or captured by the dynamic mode)
to sort by BM25.
By default, the sort order is ascending
for fast fields and descending for _score
When sorting by a fast field and this field contains several values in a single document, only the first value is used for sorting.
The sort order can be set as descending/ascending using the following syntax.
// ...
"sort" : [
{ "timestamp" : {"order" : "asc"}},
{ "serial_number" : "desc" }
// ...
It is also possible to not supply an order and rely on the default order using the following syntax.
{ //...
"sort" : ["_score", "timestamp"]
// ...
If no format is provided for timestamps, timestamps are returned with milliseconds precision.
If you need nanosecond precision, you can use the epoch_nanos_int
format. Beware this means the resulting
JSON may contain high numbers for which there is loss of precision when using languages where all numbers are
floats, such as JavaScript.
// ...
"sort" : [
{ "timestamp" : {"format": "epoch_nanos_int","order" : "asc"}},
{ "serial_number" : "desc" }
// ...
#### Search after
When sorting results, the answer looks like the following
// ...
"hits": {
// ...
"hits": [
// ...
// ...
"sort": [
You can pass the sort
value of the last hit in a subsequent request where other fields are kept unchanged:
// keep all fields from the original request
"seach_after": [
This allows you to paginate your results.
Multi search API
POST api/v1/_elastic/_msearch
Request Body example
{"index": "gharchive" }
{"query" : {"match" : { "author.login": "fulmicoton"}}}
{"index": "gharchive"}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}
Multi search endpoint ES API reference
Runs several search requests at once.
The payload is expected to alternate:
- a
json object, containing the targetted index id. - a
search request body
as defined in the [_search
endpoint section].
Scroll API
GET api/v1/_elastic/_search/scroll
Supported Request Body parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
scroll_id | Scroll id (obtained from a search response) | Required |
The _search/scroll
endpoint, in combination with the _search
API makes it possible to request successive pages of search results.
First, the client needs to call the search api
with a scroll
query parameter, and then pass the scroll_id
returned in the response payload to _search/scroll
Each subsequent call to the _search/scroll
endpoint will return a new scroll_id
pointing to the next page.
Query DSL
Elasticsearch Query DSL reference.
The following query types are supported.
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "bitpacking AND author.login:fulmicoton",
"fields": [
Supported parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
query | String | Query meant to be parsed. | - |
fields | String[] (Optional) | Default search target fields. | - |
default_operator | "AND" or "OR" | In the absence of boolean operator defines whether terms should be combined as a conjunction (AND ) or disjunction (OR ). | OR |
boost | Number | Multiplier boost for score computation. | 1.0 |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "bitpacking"
"must_not": {
"term": {
"type": {
"value": "CommitEvent"
Supported parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
must | JsonObject[] (Optional) | Sub-queries required to match the document. | [] |
must_not | JsonObject[] (Optional) | Sub-queries required to not match the document. | [] |
should | JsonObject[] (Optional) | Sub-queries that should match the documents. | [] |
filter | JsonObject[] | Like must queries, but the match does not influence the _score . | [] |
boost | Number | Multiplier boost for score computation. | 1.0 |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"range": {
"my_date_field": {
"lt": "2015-02-01T00:00:13Z",
"gte": "2015-02-01T00:00:10Z"
Supported parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default value |
gt | bool, string, Number (Optional) | Greater than | None |
gte | bool, string, Number (Optional) | Greater than or equal | None |
lt | bool, string, Number (Optional) | Less than | None |
lte | bool, string, Number (Optional) | Less than or equal | None |
boost | Number | Multiplier boost for score computation | 1.0 |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"match": {
"type": {
"query": "CommitEvent",
"zero_terms_query": "all"
Supported Parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
query | String | Full-text search query. | - |
operator | "AND" or "OR" | Defines whether all terms should be present (AND ) or if at least one term is sufficient to match (OR ). | OR |
zero_terms_query | all or none | Defines if all (all ) or no documents (none ) should be returned if the query does not contain any terms after tokenization. | none |
boost | Number | Multiplier boost for score computation | 1.0 |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": "search keywords",
"analyzer": "default"
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"match_phrase_prefix": {
"payload.commits.message": {
"query": "automated comm" // This will match "automated commit" for instance.
Supported Parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
query | String | Full-text search query. The last token will be prefix-matched | - |
zero_terms_query | all or none | Defines if all (all ) or no documents (none ) should be returned if the query does not contain any terms after tokenization. | none |
max_expansions | Integer | Number of terms to be match by the prefix matching. | 50 |
slop | Integer | Allows extra tokens between the query tokens. | 0 |
analyzer | String | Analyzer meant to cut the query into terms. It is recommended to NOT use this parameter. | The actual field tokenizer. |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"match_bool_prefix": {
"payload.commits.message": {
"query": "automated comm" // This will match "automated commit" for instance.
Contrary to ES/Opensearch, in Quickwit, at most 50 terms will be considered when searching the last term of the query as a prefix match_bool_prefix
Supported Parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
query | String | Full-text search query. The last token will be prefix-matched | - |
operator | "AND" or "OR" | Defines whether all terms should be present (AND ) or if at least one term is sufficient to match (OR ). | OR |
zero_terms_query | all or none | Defines if all (all ) or no documents (none ) should be returned if the query does not contain any terms after tokenization. | none |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "search keywords",
"fields": [
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "search keywords",
"type": "most_fields",
"fields": [
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "search keywords",
"type": "phrase",
"fields": [
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query": "search key",
"type": "phrase_prefix",
"fields": [ "title", "body" ]
Supported Multi-match Queries
Type | Description |
most_fields | (default) Finds documents which match any field and combines the _score from each field. |
phrase | Runs a match_phrase query on each field and uses the _score from the best field . |
phrase_prefix | Runs a match_phrase_prefix query on each field and uses the _score from the best field. |
Elasticsearch reference documentation
"query": {
"term": {
"payload.commits.message": {
"value": "automated",
"boost": 2.0
Supported Parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
value | String | Term value. This is the string representation of a token after tokenization. | - |
boost | Number | Multiplier boost for score computation | 1.0 |
/ match_none
Elasticsearch reference documentation
{"match_all": {}}
{"match_none": {}}
Elasticsearch reference documentation
Query matching only documents containing a non-null value for a given field.
"query": {
"exists": {
"field": "author.login"
Supported Parameters
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
field | String | Only documents with a value for field will be returned. | - |
Search multiple indices
Search APIs that accept <index_id> requests path parameter also support multi-target syntax.
Multi-target syntax
In multi-target syntax, you can use a comma or its URL encoded version '%2C' seperated list to run a request on multiple indices: test1,test2,test3. You can also sue glob-like wildcard ( * ) expressions to target indices that match a pattern: test* or *test or te*t or *test*.
The multi-target expression has the following constraints:
- It must follow the regex `^[a-zA-Z\*][a-zA-Z0-9-_\.\*]{0,254}$`.
- It cannot contain consecutive asterisks (`*`).
- If it contains an asterisk (`*`), the length must be greater than or equal to 3 characters.
GET api/v1/_elastic/stackoverflow-000001,stackoverflow-000002/_search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "search AND engine",
"fields": [
GET api/v1/_elastic/stackoverflow*/_search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "search AND engine",
"fields": [