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Version: 0.6.5


In this tutorial, we will describe how to set up Quickwit to ingest data from Kinesis in a few minutes. First, we will create an index and configure a Kinesis source. Then, we will create a Kinesis stream and load some events from the GH Archive into it. Finally, we will execute some search and aggregation queries to explore the freshly ingested data.


You will incur some charges for using the Amazon Kinesis service during this tutorial.


You will need the following to complete this tutorial:


jq is required to reshape the events into records ingestable by the Amazon Kinesis API.

Create index

First, let's create a new index. Here is the index config and doc mapping corresponding to the schema of the GH Archive events:

# Index config file for gh-archive dataset.
version: 0.6

index_id: gh-archive

- name: id
type: text
tokenizer: raw
- name: type
type: text
fast: true
tokenizer: raw
- name: public
type: bool
fast: true
- name: payload
type: json
tokenizer: default
- name: org
type: json
tokenizer: default
- name: repo
type: json
tokenizer: default
- name: actor
type: json
tokenizer: default
- name: other
type: json
tokenizer: default
- name: created_at
type: datetime
fast: true
- rfc3339
precision: seconds
timestamp_field: created_at

commit_timeout_secs: 10

Execute these Bash commands to download the index config and create the gh-archive index.

# Download GH Archive index config.
wget -O gh-archive.yaml

# Create index.
./quickwit index create --index-config gh-archive.yaml

Create and populate Kinesis stream

Now, let's create a Kinesis stream and load some events into it.


This step may be fairly slow depending on how much bandwidth is available. The current command limits the volume of data to ingest by taking the first 10 000 lines of every single file downloaded from the GH Archive. If you have enough bandwidth, you can remove it to ingest the whole set of files. You can also speed things up by increasing the number of shards and/or the number of jobs launched by parallel (-j option).

# Create a stream named `gh-archive` with 3 shards.
aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name gh-archive --shard-count 8

# Download a few GH Archive files.

# Load the events into Kinesis stream
gunzip -c 2022-05-12*.json.gz | \
head -n 10000 | \
parallel --gnu -j8 -N 500 --pipe \
'jq --slurp -c "{\"Records\": [.[] | {\"Data\": (. | tostring), \"PartitionKey\": .id }], \"StreamName\": \"gh-archive\"}" > records-{%}.json && \
aws kinesis put-records --cli-input-json file://records-{%}.json --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out >> out.log'

Create Kinesis source

# Kinesis source config file.
version: 0.6
source_id: kinesis-source
source_type: kinesis
stream_name: gh-archive

Run these commands to download the source config file and create the source.

# Download Kinesis source config.

# Create source.
./quickwit source create --index gh-archive --source-config kinesis-source.yaml

If this command fails with the following error message:

Command failed: Stream gh-archive under account XXXXXXXXX not found.

Caused by:
0: Stream gh-archive under account XXXXXXXX not found.
1: Stream gh-archive under account XXXXXXXX not found.

it means the Kinesis stream was not properly created in the previous step.

Launch indexing and search services

Finally, execute this command to start Quickwit in server mode.

# Launch Quickwit services.
./quickwit run

Under the hood, this command spawns an indexer and a searcher. On startup, the indexer will connect to the Kinesis stream specified by the source and start streaming and indexing events from the shards composing the stream. With the default commit timeout value (see indexing settings), the indexer should publish the first split after approximately 60 seconds.

You can run this command (in another shell) to inspect the properties of the index and check the current number of published splits:

# Display some general information about the index.
./quickwit index describe --index gh-archive

It is also possible to get index information through the Quickwit UI.

Once the first split is published, you can start running search queries. For instance, we can find all the events for the Kubernetes repository:

curl 'http://localhost:7280/api/v1/gh-archive/search?'

It is also possible to access these results through the UI.

We can also group these events by type and count them:

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:7280/api/v1/gh-archive/search' -d '
"query":"org.login:kubernetes AND",

Tear down resources (optional)

Let's delete the files and resources created for the purpose of this tutorial.

# Delete Kinesis stream.
aws kinesis delete-stream --stream-name gh-archive

# Delete index.
./quickwit index delete --index gh-archive

# Delete source config.
rm kinesis-source.yaml

This concludes the tutorial. If you have any questions regarding Quickwit or encounter any issues, don't hesitate to ask a question or open an issue on GitHub or contact us directly on Discord.