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Version: 0.6.5

OTEL service

Quickwit natively supports the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) and provides a gRPC endpoint to receive spans from an OpenTelemetry collector. This endpoint is enabled by default.

When enabled, Quickwit will start the gRPC service ready to receive spans from an OpenTelemetry collector. The spans are indexed on the otel-trace-v0 index, and this index will be automatically created if not present. The index doc mapping is described in the next section.

If for any reason, you want to disable this endpoint, you can:

  • Set the QW_ENABLE_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable to false when starting Quickwit.
  • Or configure the node config by setting the indexer setting enable_otlp_endpoint to false.
# ... Indexer configuration ...
enable_otlp_endpoint: false

OpenTelemetry logs data model

Quickwit sends OpenTelemetry logs into the otel-logs-v0 index which is automatically created if you enable the OpenTelemetry service. The doc mapping of this index described below is derived from the OpenTelemetry logs data model.

version: 0.6

index_id: otel-logs-v0

mode: strict
- name: timestamp_secs
type: datetime
input_formats: [unix_timestamp]
indexed: false
fast: true
precision: seconds
stored: false
- name: timestamp_nanos
type: u64
indexed: false
- name: observed_timestamp_nanos
type: u64
indexed: false
- name: service_name
type: text
tokenizer: raw
- name: severity_text
type: text
tokenizer: raw
- name: severity_number
type: u64
- name: body
type: json
- name: attributes
type: json
tokenizer: raw
- name: dropped_attributes_count
type: u64
indexed: false
- name: trace_id
type: text
tokenizer: raw
- name: span_id
type: text
tokenizer: raw
- name: trace_flags
type: u64
indexed: false
- name: resource_attributes
type: json
tokenizer: raw
- name: resource_dropped_attributes_count
type: u64
indexed: false
- name: scope_name
type: text
indexed: false
- name: scope_version
type: text
indexed: false
- name: scope_attributes
type: json
indexed: false
- name: scope_dropped_attributes_count
type: u64
indexed: false

timestamp_field: timestamp_secs

commit_timeout_secs: 5

default_search_fields: []

UI Integration

Currently, Quickwit provides a simplistic UI to get basic information from the cluster, indexes and search documents. If a simple UI is not sufficient for you and you need additional features, Grafana and Elasticsearch query API support are planned for Q2 2023, stay tuned!

You can also send traces to Quickwit that you can visualize in Jaeger UI, as explained in the following tutorial.

Known limitations

There are a few limitations on the log management setup in Quickwit 0.6:

  • Aggregations are not available on sparse fields and JSON field, this will be fixed in 0.6. This means that only the timestamp field can support aggregations.
  • The ingest API does not provide High-Availability and High-Durability, this will be fixed in Q2/Q3.
  • Grafana and Elasticsearch query API support are planned for Q2 2023.
  • OTLP gRPC service index documents only in the otel-logs-v0 index.
  • OTLP HTTP is not available but it should be easy to add.

If you are interested in new features or discover other limitations, please open an issue on GitHub.